Stuart Thomson

Stuart Thomson

If you’ve come to this page, it’s probably because you want to know what I do.

I write software. My current job description has me working on all areas of the stack, but my real passion is for frontend (specifically the web). It’s a changing field, with ever-more focus being put on building websites that can be used by everyone. It’s a wide field with many considerations to keep in mind wile developing, which means I need to constantly be learning more. That’s great, because I love to learn.


I currently work for Xero, a company that makes software for small-medium businesses and their accountants. I work in Reporting, where my team builds and maintains the system that runs millions of reports per day. It’s a critical part of the system. I mean, think about it. All of the work people do in the rest of the application is done so that at the end of the year, we produce the correct numbers to represent your business.

Prior to that, I worked at a consulting company (was it really consulting? The whole thing was a bit weird but that’s a series of stories to tell in-person, not here) that worked on a range of products, mostly in the property tech space. The work ranged from prototypes to full-blown production applications that are still in use today.

Outside of work

Development, and especially the web platform, is an ever-changing environment. I often have little side projects to help me keep up to date with the advances in the web platform, or to learn something new. As my area of focus is on web applications, quite often these come in the form of small websites that have a particular purpose in mind.

I have a short list of personal projects on the projects page, but there’s more on my GitHub if you really need to dig way back in time.

I also have some projects under my online username, which I keep separate from everything else. It’s more of the same, really. Small websites, bots for Discord, and a bunch of dead projects from when I was at university.